Thursday, August 4, 2011

Eat Pray Love (2010)

"Eat Pray Love" was so hyped up when it came out last year.  Even the star power of Julia Roberts couldn't save this film.  It was dull and boring and way too long.  The supporting cast was underutilized (Javier Bardem, James Franco) so you spent two hours watching Julia play a selfish woman.   The main character travels around the world to find herself after she decides to divorce her husband one day without warning.  I was really taken aback by the premise of the film when I discovered that this woman never really had a fight with her husband, never tried therapy, and just asked for a divorce out of the blue one day to "find herself."  She immediately starts cohabitating with a young actor played by Franco.  She then decides she needs to abandon her loyal friends in NYC to go travel to Italy to eat, India to pray, and Bali to love.  Italy was interesting to watch for a while, and the segment in India was way too long and it didn't seem like she found religion or peace while there.  She did find herself and love in Bali, and that part of the film was cute to watch.  However, the film was too long and too self-absorbed to really keep your interest.
It gets 3 out of 5 stars.

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