Monday, March 7, 2011

Fun With Dick and Jane (2005)

I own "Fun With Dick and Jane" and I watched it again last night.  This Judd Apatow's remake of the 1977 film with this update starring Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni.  I'm a big fan of Carrey's more recent films, and I love Tea Leoni in almost everything.  This movie is still relevant today, poking fun at the excesses in our society and how big businesses are greedy machines.  In this film, Dick and Jane work hard and then lose their jobs due to an Enron-like scandal, and then their lives start to crumble.  The funny part starts when they are about to lose their house and they decide to start robbing local stores and banks.  Their capers are hillarious because they are a middle-aged formerly upper middle class married couple reduced to crime.  This movie always makes me laugh, and the end thanks all the real corporate criminals who inspired this film.  I give it 3 ½ out of 5 stars.

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